Mantis religiosa
Photographer: Iacopo I.

The Mantis Religiosa is an insect of the order Mantodea widespread in Europe. This specie is well known due to its characteristic position, and it's commonly known as the Praying Mantis.
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Rose chafer – Cetonia Aurata
Photographer: Iacopo I.

The Cetonia Aurata (rose chafer) is a beetle fairly common in Europe and America of the subfamily cetoniinae, it has a metallic green color and is able to fly.
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Araneus diadematus – The cross spider
Photographer: Iacopo I.

The European garden spider (Araneus diadematus) also known as cross spider is one of the most common specie of spider in Euorope and derives its name from the typical shape of the spots on the back.
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Great grey slug mating – An acrobatic show
Photographer: Iacopo I.

During the mating the great grey slugs (limax maximus) remain suspended in the air entwined together using the slime cords of mucus, the extended reproductive organs twisted in an incredible acrobatic show. Macro photography.
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Extension tubes for macro photography – Canon Test
Photographer: Iacopo I.

Extension tube set for macro photography review containing the results of a test done to evaluate the magnification factor on a Canon EOS 7D with a Canon EF 100mm USM macro f/2.8 lens.
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Larva of Agrius convolvuli – Macro Photography
Photographer: Iacopo I.

Macro Photography of Agrius convovuli larva (of Convolvulus Hawk-moth) found in the countryside of Pisa, Tuscany - Italy. The caterpillar has a small horn on its head. Nature and wildlife photography.
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Italian scorpion – Macro photography
Photographer: Iacopo I.

High quality macro photography of a scorpion found in the countryside of Pisa, Italy. Black and white and color portraits photos of friends and people - Nature photography gallery by Iacopo I.
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