United Movement of Pixels
Fine Art Photography Gallery by Iacopo Iacopini

In italiano italiano

Palermo – Five senses, One City

Photographer: Iacopo I.
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Palermo - Sicily

Palermo - Sicily

Palermo is the gray smoked gray covering its buildings.. and the rainbow of its people.

Palermo is the luster of his ancient floors.. and the roughness of its sidewalks.

Palermo is the intensity of its fried food.. and the light salty taste that covers your skin.

Palermo is the perseverance of its smells.. and volatility of its present.

Palermo is the fullness of its endless sound.. and the faint creaking sound of its cracks.

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Palio dei Ciui 2010 – Santa Maria a Monte (Pisa)
Palio dei Ciui 2010 – Santa Maria a Monte (Pisa)
Photographer: Iacopo I.

The 11th edition of the “Palio dei ciui” has been raced the 2nd of June 2010 in Santa Maria a Monte a town in the  countyside of Pisa in the heart of Tuscany. Since 1999 this fantastic donkey-race has been organized at the beginning of June as an happy ending of a popular fest of one week full of entertainment events withBrowse the photo gallery…

Palermo – Five senses, One City
Palermo – Five senses, One City
Photographer: Iacopo I.

Palermo has been the capital of the kingdom of Sicily, now is the capital of many things, event too much.. It has a strong souls as not too much other cities, and for sure it’s a joyful experience for all the five senses.

Not always, unfortunately, but we’re trying to…
Not always, unfortunately, but we’re trying to…
Photographer: Iacopo I.

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