United Movement of Pixels
Fine Art Photography Gallery by Iacopo Iacopini

In italiano italiano

Italian scorpion – Macro photography

Photographer: Iacopo I.
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Scorpion macro photography

Scorpion macro photography

This set of macro photography gallery is dedicated to a specimen of scorpion found in the countryside of Pisa, Italy. This kind animal is a predatory arthropod of the order Scorpions within the class Arachnida. As other small arachnids living in Europe this is usually not dangerous for human and its sting could be compared to the one of big bees.

This scorpion has been found under a bank of sand near some pieces of cork barks stored on a field waiting to be transformed in flower vases. This specie is not common in the place where it has been found and probably its origin where related with the sand coming from the hills near Pisa or the cork coming from Sardinia island.

In these macro photos is possible to see the main parts of the anatomy of the scorpion this specie: Cephalothorax (or Prosoma), Abdomen (or Mesosoma), Tail (or Metasoma), Claws (or Pedipalps), Legs, Mouth parts (or Chelicerae), pincers (or Chelae), Moveable claw (or Manus), Fixed claw (or Tarsus), Sting (or Telson) and Anus.

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Abbey of Montecassino
Abbey of Montecassino
Photographer: Iacopo I.

Four times in its history the Abbey of Montecassino has been near to be ereased from the maps since the foundation dated 529. The sacredness of the place was able to overcome internal wars, invasions Saracen, earthquakes and bombardaments. The actual shape is a faithful copy the previous one. The postwar reconstruction has preserved the original solemnity as to try to forget the ally bombing of the February 1944.

Two halves can create a world
Two halves can create a world
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Black and white and color poirtrait photos of us and our world

New York Architecture
New York Architecture
Photographer: Iacopo I.

In New York there are two skies, the first one is the same you can see everywhere, the second is the image reflected on the crystal surface of the buildings. Sometimes is difficult to decide witch one (here and only here) is the real one.

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    Italian scorpion – Macro photography – mvmnt.it – Fine art photography gallery

    Dec 30, 2021 @ 8:20 pm by http://parkour.se/academy-2/

  7. javlaskitsystem.se

    Italian scorpion – Macro photography – mvmnt.it – Fine art photography gallery

    Dec 31, 2021 @ 12:45 am by javlaskitsystem.se

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