United Movement of Pixels
Fine Art Photography Gallery by Iacopo Iacopini

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Marina di Pisa – The Boccadarno’s Retoni

Photographer: Iacopo I.
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Marina di Pisa - Retoni

Marina di Pisa - Retoni

At a time when the Maritime Republic of Pisa had one of the most important and influential military and merchant fleet the seaport called Porto Pisano have been located just north of the city of Livorno. During the years a lot of military and exploration expeditions sailed from the port, unfortunately sometimes it received back not only supplies and treasures but also enemies’ fleets that often destroyed everything. Nowadays the original buildings ruins are buried by history under the area of the commercial Livorno’s port.

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Despite the destructions the port has always risen until at the XVI century  when the land army of the Republic of Florence decreed the end of the Maritime Republic of Pisa. Under the administration of Florence the mouth of the Arno, called “Boccadarno”, have been moved to the actual position about one kilometer and a half north from the previous, to help the water flowing even during heavy storms due to Libeccio wind. In the same years the fort of the custom was built on this area representing the first step of a civilization of Marina di Pisa.

On 26 April 2010 was placed the first brick for the construction of a new touristic port that will radically change the shape of the south side of mouth of the Arno. The project continues to raise many doubts, especially for impacts that may have on the delicate environment of the area of Natural Park of Migliarino and San Rossore. With the port some typical wood fishing buildings have been demolished. These structures are called Retoni and their shapes on the skyline gives to these places a unique and poetic atmosphere.

Not always, unfortunately, but we’re trying to…
Not always, unfortunately, but we’re trying to…
Photographer: Iacopo I.

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Great grey slug mating – An acrobatic show
Great grey slug mating – An acrobatic show
Photographer: Iacopo I.

During the mating the great grey slugs (limax maximus) remain suspended in the air entwined together using the slime cords of mucus, the extended reproductive organs twisted in an incredible acrobatic show. Macro photography.

Abbey of Montecassino
Abbey of Montecassino
Photographer: Iacopo I.

Four times in its history the Abbey of Montecassino has been near to be ereased from the maps since the foundation dated 529. The sacredness of the place was able to overcome internal wars, invasions Saracen, earthquakes and bombardaments. The actual shape is a faithful copy the previous one. The postwar reconstruction has preserved the original solemnity as to try to forget the ally bombing of the February 1944.

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  1. I stumbled upon your photos while doing some research about the fishing huts in the Boccadarno. We went there two years ago and I fell in love with the huts, the new marina port less so. It is another sad example of destroying what probably once was a traditional fishing port.
    Great photos by the way,

    Mar 22, 2017 @ 4:47 pm by Vanessa Hofmann

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