United Movement of Pixels
Fine Art Photography Gallery by Iacopo Iacopini

In italiano italiano

An incredible team – Italian para dressage at WEG 2010

Photographer: Iacopo I.
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Italian para dressage team at World Equestrian Games 2010

Italian para dressage team at World Equestrian Games 2010

The sixth edition of the FEI World Equestrian Games (WEG 2010) were held at the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington, Kentucky USA from September 25th to October 10th 2010. This event have been held every four years since 1990 involving the best riders and horses from all over the world. For the first time all the eight discipline involved were held at a single site: reining, endurance, dressage, eventing, jumping, para dressage, vaulting and driving. 58 national federations’ teams participating with more than 900 athletes and more than 1300 horses are only some of the incredible numbers related to this championship. The Italian national federation have submitted 26 athletes in 7 disciplines reaching very good results especially in reining, para dressage and vaulting .

During the WEG 2010 I had the exceptional opportunity to follow closely the Italian national para dressage team. I could live with the athletes the competitions, trainings, feelings and daily life discovering some of the most extraordinary people ever meet. An heterogeneous team with fantastic people composed by riders, grooms, trainers, veterinarians and supporters coming from different experiences but having in common an authentic love for horses and sports.

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Italian scorpion – Macro photography
Italian scorpion – Macro photography
Photographer: Iacopo I.

This set of macro photography gallery is dedicated to a specimen of scorpion found in the countryside of Pisa, Italy. This kind animal is a predatory arthropod of the order Scorpions within the class Arachnida. As other small arachnids living in Europe this is usually not dangerous for human and its sting could be compared to theBrowse the photo gallery…

Ride the breaths
Ride the breaths
Photographer: Iacopo I.

High quality photos of an steeplechase horse racing competition day in the Horse race track (Ippodromo) of San Rossore (Pisa), with Thoroughbred horses

New York Architecture
New York Architecture
Photographer: Iacopo I.

In New York there are two skies, the first one is the same you can see everywhere, the second is the image reflected on the crystal surface of the buildings. Sometimes is difficult to decide witch one (here and only here) is the real one.

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