United Movement of Pixels
Fine Art Photography Gallery by Iacopo Iacopini

In italiano italiano

The calm of Milano after the rain

Photographer: Iacopo I.
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Duomo di milano

Duomo di milano

The Cathedral of Milan (in Italian “Duomo di Milano“) is located in the central square of the Milan city called Piazza del duomo. This great exalple of Gothic architecture took five centuries to complete and is one of largest churces in Europe.
The works for the building of the actual structure have been started in the 1386 and during the years some of the most important Architects of Milan have added his contribute to the aesthetic and realization. The importance of this building is well represented in its dimension:

  • Length: 157 metres (515 ft)
  • Width: 92 metres (302 ft)
  • Width (nave): 16.75 metres (55 ft)
  • Height (max): 45 metres (148 ft)
  • Dome height (outer): 65.5 metres (215 ft)
  • Spire height: 108.5 metres (349 ft)

The Madonnina tha is now one of the symbols of city has been added on the top of the building in 1762 reaching the dizzying height of 108.5 m. The façade has been finished only fifty years later by direct order of Napoleon, about to be crowned King of Italy. The last details of the cathedral were finished only in the 20th century: the last gate was inaugurated on January 6, 1965.

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Torre del lago Puccini
Torre del lago Puccini
Photographer: Iacopo I.

Landscape and nature pictures of the view of the Massaciuccoli Lake from Torre del Lago Puccini, Viareggio, Lucca. Blak & White and color phtography by Iacopo I.

My eye, a digital image sensor for colour!
My eye, a digital image sensor for colour!
Photographer: Iacopo I.

The eye’s colour perception is one of the most interesting capability selected by the human being, and it is not far from how camera sensors work

Turkish portraits
Turkish portraits
Photographer: Iacopo I.

A trip in Turkey has been enough to feel in love with everything appeared in front of me. Black and white or colored my imagination sometimes goes back to that places thanks to some of these pictures.

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