Photographer: Iacopo I.
Torre del Lago Puccini is a district of Viareggio (Lucca) and is a small village located between the sea and the lake of Massaciuccoli. The name of the place is composed of Torre del lago (Tower of the lake) that is the original name of this village and Puccini from the surname the great composer Giacomo Puccini that have lived and worked here during his life.
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From the pubblic square located near the villa where Giacomo Puccini composed some of his best compositions the surrounding natural scenography is meravellous during all the seasons. Thanks to the closeness with the mediterranean sea at the sunset time these places are enlightened by a light continuosly shifting from white to yellow, orange and all the red spectrum. The calm of the wather trasform the lake in a natural mirror reflectiong boats, clouds, birds, and the Apuane Alpes with the famous Carrara marble quarries.
The atmosphere is relaxing and quiet and the show of the place represent a great natural frame for the writing “Chi vuol esser lieto sia, del doman non c’è certezza” (“Let who will be gay, To-morrow, none can tell” from the “Canzone di Bacco,” by Lorenzo de Medici) on the gazebo near the lake.
“Canzone di Bacco”
by Lorenzo de Medici
Quant’è bella giovinezza, che si fugge tuttavia! chi vuol esser lieto, sia: di doman non c’è certezza.Quest’è Bacco ed Arïanna, belli, e l’un de l’altro ardenti: perché ‘l tempo fugge e inganna, sempre insieme stan contenti. Queste ninfe ed altre genti sono allegre tuttavia. Chi vuol esser lieto, sia: di doman non c’è certezza.Questi lieti satiretti, delle ninfe innamorati, per caverne e per boschetti han lor posto cento agguati; or da Bacco riscaldati ballon, salton tuttavia. Chi vuol esser lieto, sia di doman non c’è certezza.Queste ninfe hanno anco caro da lor essere ingannate: non può fare a Amor riparo, se non gente rozze e ingrate: ora insieme mescolate suonon salton tuttavia. Chi vuol esser lieto, sia: di doman non c’è certezza.Questa soma, che vien drieto sopra l’asino, è Sileno: così vecchio è ebbro e lieto, già di carne e d’anni pieno; se non può star ritto, almeno ride e gode tuttavia. Chi vuol esser lieto, sia: di doman non c’è certezza.Mida vien dopo a costoro: ciò che tocca, oro diventa. E che giova aver tesoro, s’altro poi non si contenta? Che dolcezza vuoi che senta chi ha sete tuttavia? Chi vuol esser lieto, sia: di doman non c’è certezza.Ciascun apra ben gli orecchi, di doman nessun si paschi; oggi siàn,giovani e vecchi, lieti ognun, femmine emaschi; ogni tristo pensier caschi: facciam festa tuttavia. Chi vuol esser lieto, sia: di doman non c’è certezza. Donne e giovinetti amanti, |
Youth is sweet and well But doth speed away! Let who will be gay, To-morrow, none can tell.Bacchus and his Fair, Contented with their fate, Chase both time and care, Loving soon and late; High and low estate With the nymphs at play; Let who will be gay, To-morrow, none can tell.Laughing satyrs all Set a hundred snares, Lovelorn dryads fall In them unawares: 105 Glad with wine, in pairs They dance the hours away: Let who will be gay, To-morrow, none can tell.Not unwillingly Were these nymphs deceived: From Love do but flee Graceless hearts aggrieved: Deceivers and deceived Together wend their way. Let who will be gay, To-morrow, none can tell.Fat Silenus nears On an ass astride: Full of wine and years, Come and see him ride: He lolls from side to side But gleefully alway: Let who will be gay, To-morrow, none can tell.Midas following, Turneth all to gold: What can treasure bring To a heart that’s cold? And what joy unfold For who thirsteth, pray? Let who will be gay, To-morrow, none can tell.Ears be very bold, Count not on to-morrow: Let both young and old, Lads and lassies, borrow Joy and banish sorrow. Doleful thoughts and grey: 107 Let who will be gay, To-morrow, none can tell. Lads and lassies all, |
Birds of the Massaciuccoli lake Photographer: Iacopo I. Wildlife and Nature photography of wild birds in the Massaciuccoli Lake, from Torre del Lago Puccini, Viareggio, Tuscany |
An ordinary industrial archeology day Photographer: Iacopo I. During a boring Sunday some years ago I spent some times in the dismissed woodworking factory owned first by my family. Danger signs, saws, working instruments and a lot of dust… Everything left at their own place since the last working days. |
Italian scorpion – Macro photography Photographer: Iacopo I. This set of macro photography gallery is dedicated to a specimen of scorpion found in the countryside of Pisa, Italy. This kind animal is a predatory arthropod of the order Scorpions within the class Arachnida. As other small arachnids living in Europe this is usually not dangerous for human and its sting could be compared to theBrowse the photo gallery… |