United Movement of Pixels
Fine Art Photography Gallery by Iacopo Iacopini

In italiano italiano

Two halves can create a world

Photographer: Iacopo I.
View other galleries in: Portraiture
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Me and Her

Me and Her

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(Stars and )Stripes Art and Museums in New York City
(Stars and )Stripes Art and Museums in New York City
Photographer: Iacopo I.

You don’t need any particular reason to visit New York. The multiethnic and multicultural nature of this metropolis allows each visitor to find their its own dimension. Definitively one good reason is related to the temples of art and culture all around the city.

Mantis religiosa
Mantis religiosa
Photographer: Iacopo I.

The Mantis Religiosa is an insect of the order Mantodea widespread in Europe. This specie is well known due to its characteristic position, and it’s commonly known as the Praying Mantis.

Marina di Pisa – The Boccadarno’s Retoni
Marina di Pisa – The Boccadarno’s Retoni
Photographer: Iacopo I.

At a time when the Maritime Republic of Pisa had one of the most important and influential military and merchant fleet the seaport called Porto Pisano have been located just north of the city of Livorno. During the years a lot of military and exploration expeditions sailed from the port, unfortunately sometimes it received backBrowse the photo gallery…

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